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Jul 4

1 min read



Wade through the dark

There is that which is thin

That which is thick

Reach out and grasp

Grasp naught

Four paths

Back is backward

Left is to veer

Veer toward leniency

Right is to veer

Veer toward the stringent

Forward is the middle path

Neither lenient, nor strict

I read once a book

Which concluded that one must

Have faith in something;

A conclusion - a postulate

A conviction - a basis

A wordview - an axiom

When all that is rational

Is the path straight ahead

So, too, is it that

One must place faith in logic

Faith that the path ahead

Will serve one fine

After all, no gain ever be

Achieved without effort

Walk blindly forward

Head held high

Or stumble, for all time

Jul 4

1 min read



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